how to build your own website


“Their vision is universal in nature, and has global outcomes with planet-wide and local implications for all the people of the earth."
— E. Knecht, Virtual Global Nation News  

Guide Services

Empowered Change - The third generation web technology being introduced by RDI empowers individuals, organizations, governments and beyond with tool sets and instruments for self-refinement and transformation. In fact, these tools and instruments are so powerful that we took it as our responsibility to develop ways to manage these processes of self-refinement and transformation. As a result RDI also provides two other classes of solution models; these are called expansion models and contraction models, and are designed to manage the effects of empowered efficiency gains (self-refinement) and paradigm shifts (transformation), as well as business and other outcomes that result from the forces of creative destruction.

Guide Services and Solution Models

RDI supports a Guide Corps, which helps implement and develop solution models on all levels. There are many different types of guides, each with their own unique skill sets for helping your organization deal with problems.

Movie, Series and Video Tutorials

The WE ARE ONE Movie and Genre Specific Series  provide a foundation for a new Earth.  RDIT offers a full comprehensive database of tutorials as well as the tutorials themselves. In most instances tutorials can be found on most sites, in all the platforms and embedded in dynamic ePublications, eBooks, and eMagazines. Many of the tutorials are offered for free.